Sunday, May 9, 2010

Seasons of Canada

I had thought that we had come out of the snowy season. Spring has bought green leaves and new grass. But spring has other surprises.

After a week of mid 20 degree temperatures (it even reached 29 degrees once) Canada played an evil trick and gave me an icy slap to the face. As I cautiously was unzipping the three jackets I have been living in for the past couple of months I was buffeted by 103km/hr winds and even snow. Yes, snow. Again.

In northern Australia there is really only two seasons, the wet and the dry. I have decided that Canada has only two seasons as well. Winter and summer. Or in the Canadian language, good snowmobiling and bad snowmobiling season. Fall and spring don't exist in Canada. Those seasons should be renamed "early winter" and "late winter."

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